K+ Members Banner
Experience the Elegance of K+ Membership
Unlock exclusive privileges and indulge in the finest our brand has to offer.
How It Works
How It Works
Elevate your lifestyle with our elite membership program.
Create Your K+ Account
Sign up effortlessly to unlock exclusive privileges.
Earn Premium Points
Shop and engage to accumulate luxurious rewards.
Redeem Exclusive Rewards
Claim opulent gifts and savor unmatched experiences.
Ways to Redeem
Ways to Redeem
Spending your hard-earned points is easy. Simply apply your points for a discount at checkout.
10% Off Coupon
Discount 10% for 100 points
Free Product Offer
400 points
$10 Off
Discount $10 for every 100 points
$15 Off Coupon
Discount $15 for 100 points
Ways to Earn
Ways to Earn
Earn more points for different actions, and turn those points into awesome rewards.
Place Order
Earn 1 point for every $1 spent
Sign Up Your Account
Earn 100 points
Follow Our Socials
Earn 100 points